Travis Scott Workout Routine

Jacques Berman Webster II, popularly known as Travis Scott, is a well-known American rapper, vocalist, record producer, and singer.  If you are an avid fan of hip-hop, you would have certainly listened to some of his compositions.

Apart from his great compositions, his fans and followers also admire him for his lean and shredded physique. He sports ripped 6-pack abs which makes his fans go gaga over him.

In this post, we will be providing you a detailed insight into Travis Scott’s workout routine. So if you also want to get a physique like his, you can start taking notes.

Travis Scott Workout Overview

Travis Scott Workout
Travis Scott in an Instagram Photo (Travis Scott / Instagram)
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Undoubtedly, Travis Scott has a very hectic schedule. But even then he makes sure to take out some time from it and dedicates it to his workout routine. His workout program comprises five days of weight training. In each of his weight training sessions, he follows a high-volume training approach.

Travis Scott‘s workout routine includes no cardio exercises at all. This is because his live onstage performances require him to dance and move on the stage all the time. This provides him with a great cardio workout in itself. Hence, incorporating cardio exercises into his workout routine separately becomes futile.

Travis Scott Workout Schedule

Travis Scott follows a bro split. He hits each muscle group only once a week. He trains 5 days a week in which he hits different muscle groups on different days. To make sure his muscles recover and recuperate well, his weekends are reserved for rest.

Travis Scott’s workout split for the week looks like this:-

  • Monday- Chest, and Triceps
  • Tuesday- Back and Biceps
  • Wednesday- Shoulders
  • Thursday- Legs
  • Friday- Core
  • Saturday- Rest Day
  • Sunday- Rest Day

Travis Scott Workout Routine

Travis Scott’s workout routine primarily involves intense weight training sessions that he loves to perform with his fellow rappers. His exercise routine consists of a plethora of exercises for each of his muscle groups.

Travis Scott has never been concerned with looking excessively muscular and bulky. Instead, he prefers to have a lean and athletic physique. For that purpose, he uses moderate weights and performs higher repetitions with them.

The following table will give you an overview of Travis Scott’s workout routine.

Travis Scott Workout Plan


Sets x Reps

Monday- Chest, and Triceps

Flat Bench Press

4 x (8-10)

Dumbbell Bench Press

3 x 10

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

3 x 12

Machine Chest Press

3 x 12

Cable Crossovers

3 x 15

Parallel Bar Dips


Tricep Extensions

3 x (12-15)

Skull Crushers

3 x 10

Tricep Pushdowns

3 x 12

Bench Dips

3 x (10-12)

Tricep Rope Pushdowns

3 x 12

Tuesday- Back and Biceps


4 x (6-12)

Lat Pulldowns

4 x 10

V-Bar Rows

3 x 10

Bent-Over Rows

3 x 12

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

3 x 12


3 x 10

Barbell Curls

4 x (8-10)

Isolation Curls

3 x 10

Preacher Bench Hammer Curls

3 x 12

EZ-Bar Curls (both wide and narrow grip)

3 x (12-15)

Wednesday- Shoulders

Standing Military Press

4 x 10

Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press

3 x (10-12)

Arnold Press

3 x 10

Front Raises

3 x 12

Lateral Raises

3 x (12-15)

Rear-Delt Flyes

3 x 15


3 x (12-15)

Thursday- Legs

Back Squats

4 x (8-12)

Front Squats

3 x (6-8)


3 x 12 (each leg)

Leg Press

3 x (10-12)

Leg Extensions

3 x 12

Romanian Deadlift

3 x (10-12)


4 x 15

Seated Calf-Raises

3 x (12-15)

Friday- Core


3 x 20

Bicycle Crunches

3 x 20

Incline Bench Crunches

3 x 15

Russian Twists

3 x 20 (each side)


3 x 60 seconds

Side Planks

3 x (45-60) seconds (each side)

Saturday- Rest

Sunday- Rest

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  • Travis Scott likes to often bring changes to his workout routine to avoid the monotony of following the same workout routine time and again.
  • Apart from his intense weight training sessions, Travis Scott also incorporates some MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) training into his workout routine.
  • His MMA training routine involves fighting moves like punching and kicking that work on his strength, speed, agility, explosiveness, and flexibility. It also works on improving his stamina and provides him with a good full-body workout.

Final Words

Travis Scott’s workout plan keeps him in great shape all the time. Along with that, his discipline and consistency towards following such an intense workout routine also play a crucial role.

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You too can give Travis Scott’s workout routine a try. It will surely help you in attaining a lean and muscular physique. Just make sure to not over-perform. You will have to be patient and consistent with following his exercise routine. The results will surely be as per your expectations.

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