60+ Powerlifting Programs (Free…!)

Contrary to popular belief powerlifting is not only for advanced level lifters. Even the novice can perform powerlifting moves.

The squats, bench press, overhead press become a part of your routine early in your fitness journey. Deadlifts might take a while to join the list. But once you become strong enough to perform the lifts in the correct form you can start performing all powerlifting moves and can also start following one of the many powerlifting programs.

The powerlifting training programs are in principle designed to work on your strength. Thus, the main lifts in all the programs are having low rep high-intensity sets.

Though all the powerlifting routines aim to work towards improving your rep max capacity for all powerlifting moves, more than eighty percent of the workouts are done at moderate intensity. Different workout programs follow different methodology but the basic nature is to perform moderate-intensity work at high volume then to utilize the strength for successful progression.

A powerlifting training program helps you to break the plateau and continue the progress in terms of your lifting capacity. If you are stuck at the same level of strength and cannot go past your personal best in spite of your best efforts then it is time that you start following a powerlifting workout plan. And if you want to start a powerlifting workout routine, you don’t need to search all over the internet for suitable powerlifting programming, you can find one right here.

Powerlifting Programs

Madcow 5×5 Program

Before starting any new workout regime, you need to know where you stand. The Madcow's 5x5 is designed for the intermediate to advanced powerlifters and bodybuilders who are stuck at strength plateau. The Madcow 5x5 workout program is designed by ...

Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training (PHAT) Program [with Spreadsheet & PDF]

Choosing the most appropriate workout program according to your fitness goals can be a bit challenging. There are so many training variables to consider - like frequency, volume, rep schemes, etc. - that people often get confused. That has left ...

Cube Predator 6 Week Bench Program with Spreadsheet

For experienced powerlifters, it’s exceptionally hard to progress in weights beyond a certain point. The body comes too trained to deal with heavy weights. As such, it does not get enough stimulation for gaining strength or achieving hypertrophy. Fortunately, you ...

Brad Gillingham 16 Week Squat + Deadlift Program with Spreadsheet

Squats and deadlifts are two of the three core lifts in the sport of powerlifting. As satisfying as they are, these two exercises are also quite strenuous. Many lifters, even the experienced ones, struggle to improve at them beyond a ...

Gene Bell Jr.’s 12 Week Squat Peaking Program with Spreadsheet

Squats can be challenging, even for advanced powerlifters. It is one of the most complicated compound movements, demanding work from various muscle groups. As such, many powerlifters struggle to achieve a respectable 1 Rep-Maximum when it comes to squatting. The ...

Hatch Squat Program Spreadsheet

If you are looking to get your squat numbers up, you would need to do more than just train hard. You need a proper training plan programmed to help your body overcome stubborn plateaus without mentally or physically taxing your ...

USSR Yearbook Squat Routines (1974 and 1976) with Spreadsheets

Squatting is one of the most complicated compound movements in the world of powerlifting. It requires a lot of practice, especially if you are competing professionally. But to achieve peak preparedness before a meet event or a competition, following a ...

Fred Hatfield (Dr. Squat) 9 Week Peaking Program with Spreadsheet

Beyond a certain point, it’s difficult for experienced powerlifters to increase their 1RM in deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. They simply do not get enough stimulation to improve their strength by a significant margin, irrespective of how hard they train ...

Fred Hatfield (Dr. Squat) 12 Week Peaking Program with Spreadsheet

The most efficient way to prepare for powerlifting competitions is to follow a well-planned peaking program. The training schedule should be designed to meet all the needs of the powerlifter - strength, recovery, and hypertrophy. For that reason, we’ve brought ...

All the powerlifter workouts and routines mentioned above are developed by professional powerlifters, Olympic level athletes, and world-class trainers. These programs will definitely deliver what they are designed to do if you follow them correctly. And it won’t be a task to understand how to follow these programs exactly as they are supposed to be followed since we have included a comprehensive guide to each of these programs on our portal.

Following the training routine of a powerlifting program would do wonders for your lifting strength. For most of the program, you will be training your big muscles through the main lifts and supporting muscle groups through accessory work.

The structure of the program, weekly schedule, exercises in each workout session, weight selection, progression, and other relevant things are explained in detail in each program document. Even the link to a customizable spreadsheet is included to make things easier to find. All you have to do is choose the suitable powerlifter training program as per your fitness level and target and start following it.

You will find thousands of results if you search powerlifter workout routines over the internet, many of them may look like they are suitable for your requirement, but you can never be sure about the effectiveness of these programs as you don’t know their source. To avoid getting disappointed after wasting weeks on some unreliable program posted on some random website by some nobody and to save time needed to search for a genuine powerlifting programming that satisfies your need just look at the programs mentioned above, pick one, and start working out.

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