Robert Downey Jr’s Workout Routine

Robert Downey Jr- the recipient of the golden globe award for his incredible performances is an inspiration for hundreds of youngsters. His latest performance as iron man in Hollywood’s marvel series has earned him critical appreciation and a huge fan following across the globe.

Not just iron man, he has given other outstanding performances in movies like the Shaggy dog, Sherlock Holmes, the outsider, etc. His acting is enhanced by his excellent martial arts skills. His energy and enthusiasm can be felt strongly. Do you know the secret of his fit body? It’s his workout routine.

He has earned a huge fan following over the years. His fans love him, admire him and definitely want to know his secrets of strength. Well, Robert Downey Jr follows a well-balanced training program.

Over the years, this man has incorporated diversifying training styles to see what’s best for his health. His personal trainer Brad Bose can also be credited for his lean and defined body shape. In this post, we would talk about Robert Downey Jr’s training program and exercises included that have improved his stamina, strength, agility, and power.

Robert Downey Jr’s Workout Overview

Robert Downey Jr Workout
Robert Downey Jr in Sherlock Holmes / Warner Bros. Pictures
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Much before Robert Downey Jr was finalized to play as iron man, he followed a strict workout program and healthy habits. For instance, he extensively practiced a popular form of martial arts called Wing Chun. Popularised by Bruce Lee, this style of martial arts has been a constant part of Robert’s workout routine since 2003.

If you have any idea about Wing Chun, you surely know that this form of art teaches to perform techniques in a calm, relaxed state. To maintain body and mind calmness, you must have complete control of your body. Downey had invested a lot of time in achieving the mind-muscle connection much before he started his weight training program.

For his role as iron man, Robert Downey Jr had to build up a lot of muscular mass. This was important because he was older than the rest of the cast which made it difficult for him to gain strength and muscle quickly. During the first few days of rigorous training, Robert’s ability to control his mind and body came to use.

Soon, he became accustomed to his strict workout regime. With time, his flexibility increased, he maximized his workout sessions and built a fit and strong physique. Robert Downey Jr continues to follow this schedule even till date. He’s extremely devoted when it comes to maintaining his health. Let’s know more about Iron Man’s workout regime and exercises schedule from below.

Robert Downey Jr’s Workout Schedule

This popular artist workout for 3 to 5 days a week. He focuses on different parts of his body on different days. This strategy allows him to devote equal attention to every part of his body that needs maximum attention.

Also, his workout program incorporates various types of exercises, starting from bodybuilding, cardio, bodyweight training etc. However, mostly he focuses on increasing muscle growth.  Robert Downey Jr’s workout split is as follows:

  • Monday – Lower Body
  • Tuesday – Yoga And Meditation
  • Wednesday – Full Body Workout
  • Thursday – Yoga And Meditation
  • Friday – Upper Body
  • Saturday – Rest
  • Sunday – Rest

Robert Downey Jr’s Workout routine

If you go through the exercise routine given below, you would notice that our iron man performs a variety of exercises to make sure each muscle group in his body is fine. He usually prefers to lift heavier weights and repeat his exercises innumerable times. Doing so increases his endurance power and facilitates muscle and body growth. 

He also performs full-body exercises that engage his entire body. He does bodyweight movements like pull-ups, squats, pull-downs, leg lifts, etc. By incorporating these exercises into his workout regime, he targets his core muscles. 

A close look at the workout routine would reveal that it’s mostly based on upper lower – full body hybrid split. Exercises are mainly bodyweight exercises, basic lifting moves, and a few centers around movement patterns. For beginners who are looking forward to remaining fit and fine like iron man, these basic exercises are great, to begin with.

The resting period between every exercise is something between 60 to 90 seconds.

Let’s now study Downey Jr’s routine in detail below:

Robert Downey Jr Workout routine

Robert Downey Jr’s workout routine


Sets x reps

Monday – lower body workout

Band squats

4 x ( 8-12)

Hamstring curl

4 x ( 8-12)

Leg press

4 x (8-12)

Suspension trainer lunge

3 x ( 15 -20)

Suspension trainer superman squat

3 x (15 – 20)

Romanian deadlift

3 x (8-10)

Sandbag squat

3 x (8-10)


3 x 25

Leg lifts

3 x 25 reps

Flutter kicks

3 x 25 reps


Yoga and meditation

Wednesday – full body workout

Air squats

4 x (8 -12)

Bench press

4 x (8 -12)

Lateral pull-downs

4 x (8-12)

Arnold presses

3 x ( 10 -12)

Calf raises

3 x 15

Straight leg deadlift

3 x (8 -10)

Pull ups

3 x (8 -10)


3 x 25

Leg lifts

3 x 25

Flutter kicks

3 x 25


Yoga and meditation

Friday – upper body

Weighted pull-ups

 3 x (8 -12)

Weighted dip

 3 x (8 -12)

Swiss ball bench press

3 x (8-12)

Low row

3 x (8-12)

Continuous tension dumbbell shoulder press

3 x (8-12)

Bosu ball pushup

3 x (15-20)

Suspension trainer pushup

3 sets

Suspension trainer row

3 sets

Lateral/front shoulder raise

3 x (8-12)

Kettlebell swing

3 x 40

Sandbag power throw

3 x (12-15)


3 x 25

Leg lifts

3 x 25

Flutter kicks

3 x 25

Saturday & Sunday


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  • Robert Downey Jr swears on yoga. He had to play different types of roles in movies, and hence he follows a varied workout plan. But he never stops giving time to yoga and meditation.
  • Robert always warms up his body for about 15 minutes before starting any exercise. He even advises his fans to do the same.
  • Robert Downey Jr. never forced himself into the gym. He took things slowly and got evident results after several months.
  • If you are a true fan of iron man, you must show interest in your training program just like he did. He wasn’t an athletic beast but followed his exercises and workouts with enthusiasm.
  • Robert Downey Jr emphasizes on sustainability. He didn’t jeopardize his health by causing any unnecessary injuries in the gym. He took matters slowly. Initially, he only focused on sustainable exercises.
  • Of all the time he spends in the gym, Robert mostly focuses on compound movements.
  • When he’s not exercising, he’s recovering. He gives enough rest and sleep to his body. Downey is always concerned about recovering properly after going through strenuous workout sessions.
  • Drink lots of water. Downey suggests that hydration is extremely important. No matter how much you exercise, unless your body gets what it needs, it wouldn’t function properly.


According to Robert Downey Jr, if you want to be a superstar, you have to act like one. This man knew what an important role iron man is to the Marvel series and gave his best into the role.

He completely immersed into the character by every means. It is as if he was born to do that role. After going through months of training and diet, he truly built a physique that was worthy of iron man.

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Now, years have passed by, but Robert continues to work out regularly to keep his body fit. He doesn’t like going through intense workout sessions. He prefers to keep it sustainable so that he can stick to it. 

If you look up to Robert Downey Jr as your idol and hope to become fit and strong like him someday, follow a basic workout routine and slowly increase the intensity.

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