How to Lose Arm Fat Fast for Women

A Little Introduction:

If you aren’t interested in gym training and little bit lazy then the first chapter is for you. However gym offers more equipment and classes that you probably don’t have at home. Also gym training can give you a sense of fitness community. If you are the one who decided to start training at the gym, then the second chapter is exactly for you. The third chapter is for Yoga believers. In the last chapter we will discuss about extra diet tips to lose arm fat fast.

Note: If any trainer/website tells you that by buying their diet or workout routine, you can reduce your upper arm fat in 3 days or anything like that. Remember that is a lie and don’t let anybody to fool you. It will take at least 2-3 weeks to get a noticeable change. There is nothing going to happen in an overnight. If you are in such a condition you need to put real hard work for achieving your fitness goal.

How to Reduce Arm Fat for Ladies

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 Flabby or fat arms can really ruin your image in public. Going sleeveless with fat upper arm is a challenging task. They are difficult to carry in a fit dress. Arm fat is a common body complaint and it is the major confident killer.

 Blah blah blah… Everybody knows problems associated with flabby arms. Lol I am not here to exaggerate things about Arm Fat. So lets go straight into the topic “How to Lose Arm Fat Fast?”

How to Lose Arm Fat Fast At Home? Reduce arm fat at home without weights

 Here we are going to discuss about exercises that you can do without any weights. In order to increase the intensity of training you may increase the number of reps or sets.

How to Lose Arm Fat Fast At Home for Women

 Don’t miss:

Easy Workout Routine To Lose Arm Fat At Home

  • Exercises: You may pick any 7 exercise from the list given below.
  • Expected time: 1 hr
  • Resting time: 1-2 min between sets
  • Rest day: Sunday

10 Best Exercises To Lose Arm Fat At Home

If you do the exercises regularly and follow a calorie deficient diet, you will see the changes within 30 days

1. Push ups: 3 sets (Regular Push ups 1 x 5-10, Diamond push ups 2 x 5-10)Everybody know push ups are great for chest and arms. As you progress you can do different kind of push ups. However they are quite difficult for newbies. So if you can’t execute at least 3 regular push ups I recommend you to go with inclined push ups. In inclined push ups you are placing yours arms at a higher level than floor. Because of this your lower body supports majority of your body weight. That is higher the platform, easier will be the push ups.In our scenario our goal is to reduce arm fat, so we need to focus more on triceps and biceps. After doing regular push ups you need to do diamond push ups for targeting triceps. 

Note: During push ups biceps act only as a stabilizing muscle at both ends of push ups. Since biceps is a pulling muscle we can’t target it with pushing movements.

Push ups progression

  1. Inclined push ups

  2. Regular push ups

  3. Diamond push ups 

How to do inclined push ups (only for beginners)

The advantage of starting with incline push ups is that it has very less intensity compared to regular and diamond push ups.Stand facing the elevated plat form (bench, steps etc.). Place arms on the edge of platform slightly wider than shoulder width. By keeping the body straight push your body until arms are completely extended. Come back to the starting position and repeat until you fail.

How to do regular push ups

Lie on the floor. Place your arms slightly wider than shoulder width. By keeping the body straight push your body until arms are completely extended. Come back to the starting position and repeat until you fail. At the top of regular pus ups your arms should be straight and perpendicular to the floor.

How to do diamond push ups

First move into regular push-up position. Now position your arms in such a way that index fingers and thumbs touch together to form a diamond shape. Keeping the abs tight lower your body. Now push yourself to the starting position.

2. Triceps Dips: 3 x 5-10

It is an effective exercise to tone triceps muscles. First stand in front of a chair about 3 feet away from the chair. Now turn your back and place your hands shoulder width apart on the chair. Now slowly bend your elbow to lower your body towards floor. When your elbows are at 90 degree stop it and come back to the starting position. This is one rep. Now do 3 sets of 10 reps in each. 

3. One arm triceps dips: 3 x 5-10

The setup of this exercise is similar to chair dips. Just like in chair dips first stand steady in front of a chair about 3 feet away from the chair. Now turn your back and place your hands shoulder width apart on the chair. Extend your right arm and left leg in front of you. Now bend your left arm slowly, lower your body until your elbow is bent at a 90-degree angle. Squeeze your triceps and hold this position for a second. Now slowly straighten your arm and come back to starting position. This is one rep. Repeat it for 10 reps. Now switch the side and repeat.

4. Wrist Rotation: 1 min for clockwise direction and 1 min for anticlockwise direction.

Stand straight and take bottles filled with water in each hand. Extend your arms. Now start rotating your wrists inward and outward. Continue it for one minute.

5. Arm Circles: 50 circles for clockwise direction and 50 circles for anticlockwise direction.

Stand straight and extend your arms to sides. You can do this exercise with or without weights. You may hold water bottles for the increased effectiveness. Now, do 50 small circles with by rotating hands in the clock wise direction. Now switch to 50 small anti clock wise circles.

6. Scissors: 3 minute

Stand straight and stretch your arms to form a “V” shape. Now bring your arms to cross each other to form a “X” shape. Go back and forth between the “V” and “X”. Continue it for 3 minute.

7. Single Arm Lateral Raise: 10 x 10 x 10

Begin in regular push-up position. Take a water bottle in right hand. Now raise the right hand parallel to the floor. Keep your core tight. Keep this pose for 5 seconds. Then slowly come back to the initial position. . Repeat the exercise by switching the weight to the left arm. This is one rep. Now do 3 sets of 10 reps.

8. Opposite arm and leg lift: 10 x 10 x 10

Hold your body with the help of knees and hands. Now raise your right hand parallel to the floor with fingers pointing forward. Simultaneously raise left leg and straighten it backward. Keep this position for 3 seconds. Now slowly come back to the starting position. Repeat it for the other side. This is one rep. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

9. Jump rope: 3 min X 3 min X 3min with 2 min rest between sets

Jump rope is a great exercise for burning that excess fat in the arms. If you do this exercise regularly ultimately you will have a boxer like body. This exercise alone can improve your cardio vascular performance as well as your agility. In case of calorie burning Jump rope has an upper hand in comparison to jogging. Yes, Jump rope will burn more calories in short time. But it is very difficult to do jump rope 15 min straight. So it is better to do in intervals. For example 3min X 3 min X 3min with 2 min rest between sets.

10. Chin ups: 8 x 6 x 6

If you are searching for the one body weight exercise that alone strengthen and burn more arm fat, then this is the exercise for you. Compared to pull ups chin ups allow biceps to contribute more on movement and also it place lats on a better position. That is why chin ups are more easier than pull ups.

How to do Chin ups

  • Grip the bar with shoulder width apart and palms facing your body.
  • Now lift your body until your chin is above the bar.
  • Slowly come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat

How to Lose Arm Fat in Gym?

Without any intro lets drive straight into the workout routine.
Note:At first you need to include 2 days specifically for arms. Also to lose fat one should do at least 180 min cardio per week. That is you should include a number of cardio sessions to your workout regimen. You may do six 30 min cardio sessions. If possible do the cardio sessions separately.

Best Gym Workout To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

Best Gym Workout To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms


Don’t miss:

Workout Routine

  • Arms days: Monday, Friday
  • Cardio: 180 min per week – six 30 min cardio sessions
  • Warm up: 2-3 min (only when you enter into workout without cardio)
  • Weight: 60-70 percentage of one rep max
  • Expected time: 1 hr (without cardio)
  • Resting time: 1-2 min between sets
  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 12,12,12

Best Gym Exercises for Losing Arm Fat 

1. Barbell curl/ Ez-bar curl:

Stand straight and hold the barbell or ez-bar at a shoulder width distance with palm facing forward. While keeping upper part of your arms steady curl the arms fully. Hold this position for an instant and then slowly come back to the starting position. Repeat till your set complete.

2. Dumbbell curl/ Hammer curl

Dumbbell curl:
Stand straight and hold the dumbbells with palms facing forward. Keep the elbow close to your body. By keeping the upper arm stationary curl one arm while keeping the other one in rest. Hold the fully contracted position for a second. Squeeze the biceps and then slowly bring it to the starting position. Now curl the other one similarly. This is one rep. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Hammer curl:

Stand straight and hold the dumbbells with palms facing your torso. Remaining steps are similar to dumbbell curls.

3. Preacher curl

To do preacher curls you need preacher bench and Ez-bar. Place your arms on the preacher bench while holding the Ez-bar. Stretch the arms fully. This is your starting position. Now curl the arms fully. Squeeze the biceps and hold this position for one second. Slowly bring the arms to starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

4. Cable curl

Stand straight and grab the cable bar attached to the low pulley with your palms facing forward. Keep the elbow close to torso. Now start curling. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

5. Close grip barbell bench press / Skull crushers

Close grip barbell bench press:

This exercise is very similar to flat bench press. The only difference in this exercise is that here we are using close grip. Lie on the flat bench and set your feet on the floor. Grip on the bar at a shoulder width apart. Lift the bar from the rack. The reaming steps are similar to flat bench press.

Ez-bar skull Crushers:

Load the Ez-bar with plates and take the ez-bar and lie on flat bench with your hands perpendicular to the bench. Set your feet on the floor. While keeping the upper arm steady bend the elbow and lower the ez-bar towards the forehead. Hold this position for an instant. Then slowly come back to the starting position. Squeeze the triceps now. This is one rep. Repeat for the recommended amount of reps.

6. Cable tricep pushdown

Stand straight or with a small inclination forward place hands on the flat cable bar attached to high pulley. Bring your upper arms close to the body and perpendicular to the floor. While keeping the upper arm steady pushdown untill the arms are fully stretched. Now squeeze the triceps and hold this position for an instant. Slowly come back to the starting position. This is one rep. Repeat for the recommended amount of reps.

7. Cable overhead extension

Stand straight but away from the machine. Step one foot forward for the balance. Grab the cable bar and extend the arms towards the ceiling. Keep the elbows tucked by your heads. Now slowly bring down the bar towards the floor. Then slowly come back to the starting position. Squeeze the triceps. This is one rep.

8. One arm cable tricep pushdown

Stand straight and with one of your hand hold the cable attached to high pulley.  Now push down towards the floor. Squeeze the triceps. Then come back to the starting position. This is one rep. Repeat for the recommended amount of reps. Now do it for the other hand.

9. Wrist curls

Sit near the edge of a flat bench. Set your feet on the floor at a shoulder width apart. Now grab the barbell and place your hands on the upper thigh with palms facing upward. Now start curling wrists. Only the wrist should move. Repeat to failure.

How to lose arm fat with yoga | Yoga for flabby arms

How to lose arm fat with yoga

Best Yoga Poses for Losing Arm Fat 

1. Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar (Good for Overall fat burning)
For an average weighing person one set of sun salutation can burn up to 13.90 calories. That is, within 15 minute you can burn 333.6. Within half hour you can burn more than 417 calories. Which is greater than 30 min running (7.5 mph).


2. Dolphin Pose or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana 

Dolphin pose is very similar to downward facing dog. Dolphin pose is very helpful in toning and strengthening both biceps and legs. It can stretch your shoulder and hamstring muscles. Dolphin pose also helps to relieve stress and mild depression.

3. Upward plank Pose or Purvottanasana

I addition to strengthening and toning arms, upward plank yoga pose also stretches the shoulder, front ankles and chest.

4. Crow Pose or Bakasana

Crow pose strengthens wrists, core muscles and forearms. This yoga pose lays foundation for arm balances. Here you will learn how to distribute the weight of your body so that you can balance on arms.

5. Four-Limbed Staff Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana

Four-Limbed Staff Pose builds strength in the arms, wrists, lower and upper back muscles as well as the abs.

6. Downward Facing Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana

Regular practice of Downward facing dog pose will help you to tone your body. This pose will strengthen arms, legs and core muscles. It will also help to weight loss and improve posture.

7. Side Plank Pose or Vasisthasana

The side plank pose strengthens arms, legs and abs. In addition to strengthening this yoga pose will give a good stretch to wrists and to back of the legs. It will also improve the overall balance. There are some variations of side plank pose that make this yoga pose even more challenging.
Now we are moving to the fourth chapter. Here we are going to discuss about the diet modifications and few diet tips for achieving toned arms.

Best Diet Tips to Lose Arm Fat Fast

By following these tips you can lose arm fat even without doing exercises. But look it isn’t any magic it will take too much time. So it is better to incorporate workouts with diet modifications so that you will see changes within one month. Along with these diet modifications you need to do home exercise or gym workouts or yoga for better results.

Diet Tips to Lose Arm Fat Fast

Must read:

Diet tips to lose arm fat – backed by science

1. Set your calorie intake

Start by determining your maintenance calorie intake. Then figure out the calorie intake you will need to eat in a day to lose the targeted pound of fat. For your reference one pound of body fat may contain anywhere from 3436 to 3752 calories.

You may use our calorie intake calculator to set your calorie intake goal. DrWorkout calorie intake calculator show you the recommended calorie intake whether you are looking to gain, lose or maintain your current weight. You can also check our BMI Calculator to find your body mass index. 

2. Follow the red, orange and green food rule

In each meal include one of the food that belongs to these colors. By doing that you will not have space on your plate for higher calorie foods. Also these fruits and veggies help your skin health. 

3 Drink More

Generally the preferred water intake is 64 ounces. If you drink more water, it takes up the space in your stomach. That is ultimately you will feel fuller.

4. Spice up your food

According to a study published in British Journal of Nutrition adding hot spices in your food can curb your hunger. Also a study conducted by the scientists in the State University of Newyork at Buffalo found out that the content capsacin triggers your brain to release happiness hormones.

5. Avoid soda to lose arm fat

A study conducted in the University of Texas Health Centerfound that the more diet soda you drink, greater the risk of becoming overweight.

6. Divide your meals to eat small

The hormone called Gherlin controls your hunger. It will get its peak after about 3 to 4 hours of fasting. So a good way to overcome over eating habit is divide your meals and eat small meals about every 3 hours.

7. Never skip breakfast

A study conducted on 900 adults found that when people ate more carbs, protein and fat in the morning, they stayed satisfied and ate less over the course of the day than their counterparts.

8. Eat more protein

Protein rich foods will help you to tone your muscles. They will also help you too boost your metabolism. As a result you will burn few more calories. Another reason for including protein rich food in diet to lose arm fat is that, they will stay on your stomach for long time. That will make you feel satisfied with your meal.

9. Sleep away the pounds

A study conducted by the scientists in University of Pennsylvania found that even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can leads to immediate weight gain.

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