Kaley Cuoco Diet Plan

Kaley needs no introduction. She is our lovable Penny from the sitcom Big Bang Theory.

We know her for her awesome body, her washboard abs, and her very much down-to-earth personality. People just don’t seem to get enough of her.

She is incredibly successful in what she puts her mind to, and this is the same work ethic that helps her have a very healthy and productive life.

Kaley has always been an active person. She used to play tennis from the age of 3 and was a nationally ranked amateur tennis player before focusing her attention fully on acting. She never had to follow a strict workout routine and had no issues with her weight.

Now she admits that as she gets older, she has given more importance to her diet plan. Unlike many actresses, Kaley is very honest about what goes in her stomach to give her those awesome abs of steel. Let’s see what she does to stay in her top shape year-round.

Kaley Cuoco’s Diet Plan

Kaley Cuoco Diet
The Flight Attendant | HBO Max
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Kaley’s glorious body and her incredible abs are not just a product of her workouts, but also what she eats. You’re what you eat, and 80% of your journey in the life of fitness is healthy eating.

She is super busy, but she still enjoys her food.

Kaley doesn’t eat meat, and according to her, she is done with meat. Instead, she swears by fish like salmon, as it is her primary source of lean protein. A diet rich in fish protein helps develop intellect, learning skills, and memory.

She tries to incorporate healthy foods into her diet throughout the week but also lets us know the importance of cheat meals. Cheat meals and indulging in her cravings occasionally helps her stay healthy and happy.

Below table shows how her meal plan looks like:

Kaley Cuoco’s Meal Plan


Apple and peanut butter on toast


Oats, fruits, and skimmed milk


Vegetarian subway sandwich, onion, jalapenos.


Fish and vegetables


Peanut butter or apple

According to Kaley’s trainer, she is not a big fan of meal plans or diet, but; she follows some healthy guidelines daily.

Though Cuoco doesn’t specifically avoid carbs, she generally avoids high-carb foods like white rice, white bread, and white potatoes.

Treating herself

Kaley Cuoco focuses her most on eating healthy, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t indulge in not-so-healthy meals. She is not afraid to treat herself and has a cheat day once a week, where she lies by the pool and enjoys pizza and some drinks.

Cutting Cola

Kaley, like many of us, is a big fan of soda. Diet cola is her most favorite drink in the world, and she used to consume four cans of it every day. But soon, Kaley realized that her soda drinking habits had turned increasingly unhealthy. So now she just takes a sip of the regular soda and throws it away. Cutting on cola appears to be quite a journey for her.

Her favorite snacks

Kaley is not only healthy with her meal choices, but her snacks are also diet-friendly. She gets cravings in the evening and indulges in healthier options, specifically peanut butter and apple.

Get rid of junk from home

Kaley keeps her kitchen fairly clean, meaning she keeps it off junk foods. Cleaning her kitchen stops her from mindlessly eating junk food and consuming hundreds of calories.

No one diet

She is a super busy woman, but she still enjoys some freedom through her food. She doesn’t follow one type of restrictive diet, nor does she plan out her meal in advance, but she makes sure she has some specific healthy guidelines every day to be in top shape.

Fewer carbs at night

According to her coach, Kaley loads up on carbs throughout the day in her breakfast, lunch, and snacks. However, as the day progress, she consumes less and fewer carbs so that by her last meal, she was consuming only fish and vegetables.

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What does Kaley Cuoco eat?

Kaley consumes only nutrient-dense whole, natural and healthy foods. She also watches her portion size. Foods she eats are:

  • Vegetable
  • Fruit
  • Peanut butter
  • Cheese
  • Bread
  • Tofu
  • Apples
  • Fish

What food does Kaley Cuoco avoid?

Kaley is not a big fan of meat, and in an interview, she confirmed she is done with eating meat. According to her Instagram post, she also hates mushrooms and the sight of them in her meals makes her lose appetite. Foods she avoids:

  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • ‘White’ processed foods
  • Refined sugar
  • Junk food
  • Chemicals
  • Trans fat
  • Artificial additives

Kaley Cuoco’s supplements

Along with sticking to her diet plan, Kaley also takes some supplements to be in top form.


An active lifestyle like Kaley’s calls for caffeine supplementation. Caffeine increases fat burning during workouts, helps muscles release energy, and decreases fatigue.


Branched Chain Amino Acids or commonly called BCAA’s, helps in reducing muscle fatigue and muscle soreness. In addition, it speeds up the recovery process, thus making you ready for your next workout.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body fight off diseases by increasing immunity, helps prevent iron deficiency, and protects mental clarity as you age.

Vitamin E

It helps to maintain healthy skin and eyes. It also helps blood circulation and muscle response to working out.


An active supplementation of Omega -3 helps reduce inflammation and speed up muscle recovery.

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Final Words

Kaley Cuoco’s diet plan is not tough, and it’s easy to stick to if you put in a little hard work and stay determined. However, that does not mean you can’t reward yourself with a cheat meal once a week. This can be the motivating factor you’ve been lacking in your diet plans.

If you stay by these specific guidelines, control your portion size, and aim to keep off junk food, then a body like her is achievable. Try this at home and see the changes for yourself.

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