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To those people who are loyal to exercise at their Gym, as well as exercising day-to-day routine may find the Yoga is a No, Never thing or a bit odd one, and might also wonder they should do yoga giving up exercising at Gym. Let us clear the doubt, especially which one is better for you!
There are many different ways by which you can easily enhance your wellness, and one of the most important is being physically active. You certainly have seen many Yogi or Yoga experts as well as gym athletes in highly toned perfect body shape. You must be wondered whether they only do Gym or do Yoga side by side. Now the question comes – WEIGHT LOSS. Yes, this is the subject matter of the article. Particularly, Yoga or Gym is better for easy weight loss.
There is beyond doubt a lot of debate around us, which type of workout is most effective and better. The question becomes too hot, when we compare Yoga and Gym for weight loss. Somebody claims that Gym workouts certainly bring in better and fast results, and some others claim that yoga has various benefits, complex and too good for weight loss.
Exercise Helps You Remove Stress
To simplify it, you need to go for a bigger picture, but, at first let us get rid of the stress. Yes, we are talking about every day stress.
In the time you train yourself, you start analyzing the outcome. You look your belly, your thigh, your hands, your legs, better to say your overall body, and what you feel is de-motivating. Neither you are becoming thinner nor getting fitter. And, you certainly keep wondering whether this or that type of workout suits you. Yes, the workout can be Yoga or Gym.
Sadly, workout is not mathematics.
You cannot even calculate a workout you need or suits you, in a beautiful and delightful way it triggers your fitness expectations. Both, Yoga and Gym have their own merit. You need to be patient as well as consistent, and train yourself, until and unless you become happy with your fitness goal and see your expectations in the mirror. Honestly speaking, it is about weight loss. It is a journey for you. People, who are potato coach kind of, may see rapid weight loss after an extensive training, either yoga or gym. But, if you are not like that, you have to work hard. Two things you should keep in mind.
About Yoga:
There are many mental and physical benefits of yoga. Incorporating it into your daily routine, you can boost your health, increase stamina, strength and flexibility. You can minimize the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. And, about weight loss, most of the
yoga poses can help you attain that.
Yoga for Weight Loss:
About Gym Workout:
There are many physical benefits of doing Gym, but it is not directly related to your mental benefits. Inasmuch as, you improve your body, you will get confidence. Thus, it helps boost your mental health.
Gym for Weight Loss:
Regular physical activity, light or rigorous, can help you gain many things, whether you do Gym or Yoga. Click to tweet
Gains are at a glance.
- Exercise controls weight, gain and lose weight.
- It helps you combat against health issues and diseases.
- It improves your mood and boost energy.
- It improves your sleep, improves your sex life and makes your more social.
Yoga directly improves your physical and mental condition. But, Gym is vigorous, and it directly improves your physic/body, mental improvement is lesser.
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Do you Need Yoga or Gym?
Our second suggestion is, do not need to compare yourself to others. If you like to have a toned body just in a few months or rapid weight loss, then do Yoga and Gym simultaneously.
- Yoga is not rigorous. You need patience and time to master it; then only you get good result. Though, few yoga poses, like Warrior Pose I, II and III, Chair Pose, Boat Pose, Bridge Pose, Cobbler’s Pose, Butterfly Pose, Plow Pose, Frog Pose, Bow Pose, Locust Pose, Cobra Pose, Seated Forward Bend Pose and Shoulder stand Pose are good for weight loss.
- On the other hand, you can prefer Gym workout for rapid weight loss. Gym workout is rigorous. High-intensity interval training can give you a well-rounded workout while reducing a ton of fat and calories. You can also practice cycling, abs, pull up and back workout, running, bending side to side and sit up to lose weight in a few month.
Workout is workout. It is what it is. You should accept it, work hard, manage time everyday and achieve it. You should focus on what exercise is good for you as per your expectation in your weight loss journey, rather than what is working for others.
Define Your Fitness Objectives
Prior to start exercising, you should know your major fitness objectives. And, what moved you more and more physically active, and what type of pain upsets you very much about your body-shape.
Normally, there are 3 main objectives, the majority of people have, in the time they start exercising. These objectives are:
- Losing Weight (Step-by-step or Rapid Weight Loss)
- Gaining Muscle Mass and Becoming Stronger
- Maintaining and Improving Their Wellness
Last, but certainly not the least, to understand if you go for Yoga or Gym for weight loss depends on your expectations and the benefits you get. These one-line advantages and disadvantages will help you choose the best workout for your weight loss journey.
The Pros and Cons of Yoga
Yoga is graceful. It helps you relax from your mind and body. It has less risk of injury. Yoga helps put your entire body into action, because it does not focus on single part. It focuses on overall improvement. You can lose your weight, but not that rapidly that Gym workouts do. If you have time and patience, then yoga is for you. It helps you unify your mind, body and spirit.
The Pros and Cons of Gym
Gym workouts are much more rigorous than yoga, and involve rapid moves that help your body toned up and reducing weight. It not only increases the tension on your body muscles but also bulks them up. You cannot accept unifying your mind, body and spirit with Gym workout; only weight loss can be considered.
A lot of people these days go for Gym workout and participate in Yoga session. They like rapid weight loss, single aspect of physical body, muscle gain and strength, alongside the improvement of overall health and wellness.
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Author Bio:
Kabbyik resides in Kolkata, India, better known the “City of Joy”. He has a passion for Yoga, Mediation, Spirituality and healthy food. He is a health blogger and writer. It is his dream to motivate people to live healthy life practicing yoga and meditation and eat healthy food as medicine. He believes that a good health always starts with good lifestyle, and a good lifestyle is associated with good food.
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