Phrak’s Greyskull LP Program with Spreadsheet

The base GSLP is a great program for beginners to start their lifting journey. Once you get through the first few cycles of the base program you can choose to add plugins or switch to modified versions of the program.

Phrak’s Greyskull LP variant has borrowed its structure, schedule, and knowledge from the base GSLP and enhanced it to be more effective for overall strength and muscle development.

Similar to the base GSLP, Phrak’s Greyskull LP is designed to help beginners to gain strength and muscle size simultaneously. 

Unlike the base GSLP, the Phraks Greyskull LP variant has more main lifts that involve pull type movement, ensuring you develop the pull muscles as good as the muscles involved in push-type lifts.

In this workout guide, we have explained the Program in detail along with a table for one cycle. We have also included the spreadsheet for Phrak’s GSLP to help you to follow the program effectively and track your progress.

Phrak's Greyskull LP Workout Program

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Phrak’s GSLP Program

The base GSLP program focuses more on push-type movements. The main lifts in base GSLP are bench overhead press, squats, and only one set per week of deadlifts, so you end up doing all the heavy work in push type movements.

Strong focus on push-type exercises and lack of pull movements in your heavy main lifts may result in uneven development. The pull muscles that respond to pulling movements only like your biceps and upper back may remain unattended in the base GSLP program.

The Phrak’s Greyskull LP variant takes care of these limitations by adding the pull movements chin-ups and barbell rows to the schedule as main lifts. The program tries to make sure that you achieve even development in strength and muscle hypertrophy. 

Phrak's Greyskull LP Program

Phrak’s GSLP program

Week 1



Sets x Reps


Overhead press

2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+


Bench press

2×5, 1×5+

Barbell rows

2×5, 1×5+




Overhead press

2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+

Week 2



Sets x Reps


Bench press

2×5, 1×5+

Barbell rows

2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+


Overhead press

2×5, 1×5+




2×5, 1×5+


Bench press

2×5, 1×5+

Barbell rows

2×5, 1×5+


2×5, 1×5+

Phraks Greyskull LP program maintains a good balance between pull and push movements. Similar to the base GSLP, Phrak’s GSLP program runs in a two-week cycle.

The program runs for three non-consecutive days every week. You perform squats twice a week and deadlifts once a week. Overhead press or bench press are performed alternatively so, in turn, you perform overhead press and bench press thrice in two weeks.

Similar to overhead press and bench press the pull movements chin-ups and barbell rows are performed in an alternating manner thus each of these exercises occurs thrice in weeks.

For all lifts except the deadlift, you perform 2 sets of 5 reps and the third set is an AMRAP set. The deadlift has only one AMRAP set.

As this program is designed for beginners, thus the progression is faster. You add weights in small increments of 2.5 to 5 pounds on every workout session.


  • Weight progresses on every workout by 5 pounds for lower body lifts and 2.5 pounds for upper body lifts.
  • If you fail to make 5 reps in AMRAP (as many as possible) set, deload by 10%.
  • If your AMRAP counts above 10 rep then you can double the weight increment.
  • Yates rows are recommended but any variant would do.
  • Use power cleans to warmup for Deadlifts.
  • At the start, you can do negative chin-ups then progress to bodyweight chin-ups, and then weighed chin-ups
  • You can club the alternatingly occurring lifts and overhead press + chin-ups and barbell rows + bench press.

Phrak’s Greyskull LP Spreadsheets 

The Phrak’s Greyskull LP looks like a straightforward program by the looks of its table. But if you consider the weight progression and deload, things might get complicated to follow and track the progress.

To help you in this task, we have included some google sheets here. These excel sheets can be downloaded and customized for your liking.

Just save a copy of any of these according to the variant of program you are following, add your weights and it will make the desired calculations and present you with a schedule with expected weight to be lifted for a particular exercise making it easier for you to track your progress.

Phrak’s GSLP 8 Week Spreadsheet

Reddit user u/zarath001 created this 8-week google sheet template for Phrak’s Greyskull LP. You can save a copy and enter your current 5-rep weights in the setup sheet.

The excel sheet will calculate the weight progression and generate an eight-week schedule in the Lifts sheet. It includes weights for warm-up sets and accessories too.

You can track your progress by recording your performance or ticking the completed sets off in the empty spaces given in the sheet. The third “Progress” sheet gives a graphical description of your progress and also estimates your 1RM growth.


Phraks GSLP Spreadsheet with Accessories

This simple template is created by Reddit user u/DannyRand1514. You can download this google sheet, print it, carry it to your gym and use it as your tracking sheet.

The template contains the schedule for main lifts as well as the accessories. You can record the weight and the number of reps done in every set on this sheet.

If you opt to print this google sheet, one print will be your schedule cum tracking sheet for two weeks.


Phrak’s GSLP + DB Press Incline/Shoulder Spreadsheet

This excel sheet is also created by u/DannyRand1514. This sheet adds the dumbbell incline and shoulder press to the program.

This is also a simple single page template that provides you two-week schedule for Phraks Greyskull LP with added alternating incline dumbbell press and shoulder press combo and the accessory work.

The added dumbbell workouts to the Phrak’s Greyskull LP variant helps you with balancing out the muscle growth and strength development on the dominant and non-dominant side of your body.


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