GZCL Method Spreadsheet Collection [Resource Page]

GZCL method is developed by competitive powerlifter and strength coach Cody Lefever.  GZCL is highly effective in strength building, versatile and works with a variety of volume and intensity ranges.

Due to the adaptability and flexibility offered by the original GZCL program, many Reddit users have created customised excel sheets of the program to suit their specific requirement.

This resource page is a collection of spreadsheets or google sheets and workout templates of GZCL method and its variants. Every GZCL spreadsheet has some unique characteristic and is intended to help you follow and track the progress effectively.

GZCL Method Spreadsheet

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General Gainz spreadsheet

Before going deep into the variants and the program spreadsheets, let’s peep into the General Gainz program. Read this thread for more details. Even if you have read the program before, reading it again will help you brush up the concepts.

The program is used by Cody Lefever to train for strength progression. And many powerlifters follow a similar structure.

General Gainz Wave Linear Progression (LP)

The original General Gainz program is loosely structured. It is basically a guideline for how to plan your weights, reps and progression for tier 1, 2 and 3 lifts, using which you can design your workout plan.

If you are looking for rather a structured plan that tells you what exactly to do on a particular workout session along with the weight to choose, then you should go through General Gainz wave LP discussion thread.

It is a four month program, in the first month or as they call it, in the first wave, you work on 6 RMs of your T1 lifts with weights progressing every week.

Thanks to the Reddit user u/K-S-R, we have a dedicated workout spreadsheet to help you follow General Gainz wave LP and track your progress efficiently. You can download the spreadsheet from google sheets link below, enter your 1 RMs for your main lifts and you are good to go.


General Gainz + Jacked & Tan 2.0 Hybrid 

The following spreadsheet is a hybrid program compiled using General Gainz and Jacked and Tan by a Reddit user u/Mephostophelus. It contains a complete 12-week schedule of the program including the type of lifts, weights and rest periods.

Start by downloading this GZCL spreadsheet and put in the values of training maxes for your T1 and T2 exercises. As stated in the GZCL program the training max is your daily 2 RM.

The excel sheet given in google docs link below has full 12-week schedule with divided into two 6 week blocks. The last week in the first block is a test week to find training max or 3 RM for the second block and the last week of the 12-week cycle is reserved for finding 1 RMs.


Jacked and Tan 2.0

The Jacked and Tan 2.0 program follows linear block periodisation for the most part. It has two six week blocks each ending with an attempt to get an improved 1 RM.

Read this article before using this GZCL spreadsheet.

The Jacked and Tan 2.0 spreadsheet includes whole 12 week schedule with four work days per week. The workout program sessions are split between upper and lower body workouts.

In week 1 you work up to 10RM and follow it up by 3 sets of 6 rep each at 70% of training max and an optional AMRAP set. You progress towards week six where you attempt a 1RM lift by working up to a lower rep max every week.

6th & 7th sheets in the GZCL Compendium are jacked and tan 2.0


Here is another Jacked and Tan 2.0 spreadsheet created by u/steve_dc


Flexible Jacked & Tan 2.0 

The original Jacked and Tan 2.0 spreadsheet gives you four work days, and 3 T2 and T3 lifts each workout session. For those who wish to alter these numbers a Reddit user, u/steve_dc has created a flexible Jacked and Tan 2.0 sheet.

In this excel sheet, you can choose the number of working sessions per week and number of T2 and T3s you want to do every session.

Use the google docs link below to obtain this sheet, enter your number of training days, starting date, training maxes for T1, number of T2, and T3 lifts, list different T2, T3s and their progressions and click on create my schedule button. And done, your customised Jacked and Tan spreadsheet is ready


GZCL Jacked and Tan

The spreadsheet below is an outcome of GZCL method and personal preference of Reddit user u/Semper_Sometime. It has six work sessions per week and accommodates two squat days and two bench days.

This excel sheet is developed by u/JosephusBroz. The excel sheet has a 15-week schedule with last week reserved for the test. You need to enter your training maxes for all T1, T2 and T3 lifts in the first sheet, you will then get a complete schedule with corresponding weights calculated in sheet2 named program.


GZCL Jacked and Flan 

Based on Jacked and flan template and inspired by 5/3/1 program a Reddit user u/flannel_smoothie created this Jacked and Flan spreadsheet.

It has nine sheets, the first one is an intro sheet providing directions for use. In the second sheet you enter your training maxes and list the accessory work. The following sheets generate the program schedule in four meso/wave structure where first is four weeks of high volume training, second is moderate volume moderate to high intensity, the third block is high-intensity low volume four weeks. The last two-week block is for testing. There are volume and charts sheets to visualise your progress.


GZCL Jacked and Tactical (Bench + Squat)

Created by Reddit user u/Whipfather, this version of GZCL omits deadlifts to preserve energy and focus more on the upper body.

The excel sheet contains the whole program description along with the workout schedule. It has an exercise selection sheet where you can enter assistant exercises and training maxes and you get your workout sequence in sheet 3 and weekly progression in sheet 4. The sheet is available in both imperial and metric measures.





GZCL UHF Method + Heavy Singles Spreadsheet 

This is a derived program form the popular GZCL UHF. As the name suggests it includes heavy singles on every workout session.

Created by u/inspector_norse, this is five week version of UHF that provides frequent exposure to heavier weights. Every week you make progression in heavy singles and AMRAP sets.


GZCL Free Compendium Spreadsheet (Original Version)

This is the best place to start getting into GZCL programs, as the compendium spreadsheet contains many variations in one file.

It has

  • Infographic explanation of GZCL method,
  • Volume dependent intensity program
  • Deadlift waveform in metric and imperial
  • Jack and Tan 2.0 in metric and imperial
  • 5 week and 9 week UHFs
  • The Rippler in pounds and Kgs
  • Blank Template in pounds and Kgs


Rippler Spreadsheet

Created by u/sociallyawesomeguy, the Rippler spreadsheet is an easy to follow planning and tracking sheet.

Just enter your training maxes in column D of the spreadsheet and you are ready to use it. The program has four work day per week with upper-lower split and uses biweekly waves in terms of reps and weights progression.


GZCL Basic Template

A Reddit user u/durable compiled basic GZCL program into this template.

Once you put in your training maxes in sheet 1 it gives out a four week workout schedule in sheet 3. The only change the here is deadlifts in tear 2 lifts have been reduced by 2 sets.


GZCL Max Rep Sets (MRS) – Beta Version from Cody

This spreadsheet provides a guideline to choose the weight and number of sets as the max rep set and also the intended number of reps in each set, on any given day for all workouts in the four week cycle.

As said, it’s a beta version.


GZCL Max Rep Sets (MRS)

A modified form of GZCL MRS version created by Reddit user u/anonymouscrayon for using while following the programs with six week blocks.

You enter T1 training maxes for all four main lifts and you get a six week table for weights and intended sets to be completed in AMRAP sets.


GZCL Method 3 Week Cycle

This is just a shorter version of basic GZCL program. If you are in early stages or intermediate lifter, you can follow this program for faster gains. As you will be able to change your training max every three weeks.

This spreadsheet is created by u/gluteusofaluminum.


GZCL 5 Day Split

This version of GZCL utilises 5 work days every week. Another difference from the basic GZCL method is this program runs for 5 weeks.

The last two weeks are dedicated to testing and mini deloading. In fourth week you will be testing squat bench and rows, in fifth week you will be doing a mini deload on them. Deadlift and overhead press can be tested in fifth week.


GZCL Method Multi Day Cycles – 2 Day, 3 Day, 4 Day, 5 Day & 6 Day

This spreadsheet provides you with the option to choose how many days you wish to work out in a week. It has four week cycles designed for 2 workout session per week to 6 sessions per week.

2, 3 and 4-day cycles allow you to work on 2, 3 or 4 T1 lifts respectively. In 5 days cycle, it has high bar squats on the fifth day and in six-day cycle you get to do deadlifts on two days a week.


GZCLP 3 Day 12 Week Spreadsheet

This is a very detailed spreadsheet created by u/blacknoir. It has a complete description of progressions for T1, T2 and T3 exercises. The 12-week program has 12 sheets one for each week allowing the author to provide instructions wherever required.

You work on three days a week and you would be doing each one of the four T1 lifts 9 times in the 12-week cycle.



This is a 4 day variant of 3 day GZCLP spreadsheet created by u/doesnotevenlift. Here you can do all four main tier 1 lifts every week.

The sheet has the scope to continue the program cycle for as long as 20 weeks and it also provides an option to reset from 8th week onwards.


GZCL Big on the Basics 

Normally recommended for beginner to intermediate lifters. The big on basics version of GZCL is created by u/TheAesir and the spreadsheet is cleaned and updated by u/youngquinn. Read this thread before following this template.

It is a three week cycle with four work days every week where you update your training maxes for T1 and T2 lifts after completion of every cycle.


Big on Basics Spreadsheet:


Don’t miss:

Reddit PPL Spreadsheet (Metallicadpa 6 Day PPL Program)
nSuns 531 Spreadsheets
Wendler’s 5/3/1 Program Spreadsheets
Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Program
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What Does GZCL Stand For?

GZCL identifies with the workout programs based on work intensity and work capacity pyramid theory coined by Cody Lefever. GZCL stands for Cody Lefever’s Reddit username.

What Is The GZCL Method?

GZCL is a method of developing workout programs targeting your work intensity and work capacity simultaneously. By doing T1, T2 and T3 lifts every workout session you work concurrently on your heavy lifting strength and capacity to lift more volume.

What Are T1, T2 & T3 Lifts?

T1 are your main lifts for the day on which you are working to improve your work intensity. T2 lifts are primary accessories, these are either the main lifts at a lower intensity or those that mimic the main lifts. The T3 are the lifts intended to add volume and build the muscles for improving main lifts.

Does GZCL Work?

It is a very effective program with solid training principles that works on both muscle hypertrophy and lifting strength simultaneously.

What’s the Difference Between GZCL and GZCLP?

GZCL is a basic four week cycle program while GZCLP is a linear progression high volume, high frequency, high intensity workout program developed based on the principles of GZCL that progress at a faster pace compared to other GZCL programs.

Don’t miss:

PHUL Workout Routine
Coolcicada PPL Routine
Madcow 5×5 Program
Korte 3×3 Program
Russian Squat Program

All these spreadsheets or google sheets with day to day workout schedule are provided for automating your training progression calculations. Every variation of the program has something unique to offer. So, choose one google sheet that suits you the best and reap the benefits of the efforts of those powerlifters who contributed in preparing these.

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