John Cena Diet Plan & Supplements

John Cena has been a reigning king in the wrestling world, occupying the title 16 times. He is a famous movie star as well, worked in movies like ‘The Marine’, ‘Bumblebee’ and many more.

Although he has made a name in Hollywood but he is more known for his super fit and ripped physique. His love for bodybuilding started at a very young age, and owned his first weightlifting bench at the age of 12.

During his college days, he played American football but quit soon after. He felt his physique did not match up to this intense game. Thus, began his journey to attain the physique that he has maintained till today.

He surely is a massive guy, and the credit goes to his well-formulated diet plan. Anyone looking to bulk up should definitely check out John Cena’s meal plan.

John Cena’s Diet Plan

John Cena Diet
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John Cena’s diet plan consists of approximately 7 meals in a day. Being a pro wrestler he knows how to play the right moves regarding his eating habits.  His diet is low on fat & it consist of things like eggs and low fat cheese. Let’s dive in and see what his diet chart is made up of.

John Cena’s  Meal Plan

Meal 1

Oatmeal with apple sauce and raisins, 2 whole eggs, and 6 egg whites

Meal 2

Protein bar

Meal 3

Brown rice with vegetables, 2 chicken breasts

Meal 4

Whole wheat pita bread with tuna

Meal 5

Banana and whey protein shake

Meal 6

Pasta or brown rice, vegetables, salad with chicken or fish

Meal 7

Low fat cottage cheese along with a casein protein shake

As every athlete, he also focuses on proper water intake. This not only helps in keeping you well hydrated, it also improves digestion and prevents the body from fatigue.

After discerning his nutritional plan it’s easy to state that he eats a lot. You need to have a blessed tummy to digest all of it. But a huge physique like his needs that much of food to keep him running.

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What to Eat

John says it’s all about knowing what to eat and how much to eat. He is very much aware of calorie counting, he knows how much calories is he gaining from the portion of every meal he intakes.

As he likes to include a huge amount of protein-enriched eatables in his diet, you would discern chicken, protein shakes and eggs in his platter commonly. John says “if it breathes or if  it’s green, eat it.” Foods he would inculcate in his meal plan are as follows:

  • Oatmeal
  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Vegetables
  • Brown rice
  • Protein shake
  • Tuna / Salmon

What to Avoid

Being a super athlete, he has to keep his cravings under control and stick to clean eating most of the time. He says junk food is going to make you weak, so stay away from them. He would suggest avoiding the following items:

  • Refined sugar
  • Fried food
  • Junk food
  • Artificial flavors

John Cena’s Supplements

Along with a nice diet plan, these super performers do need supplements to cover their nutrients needs. Although John never let it out openly that what is the secret behind his iconic physique but he gave a sneak peek here and there sometimes. Here is John Cena’s Supplement list.

  • Whey protein – needless to say, how important it is in any athlete’s daily diet and workout schedule. It helps in making and to repair lean muscles.
  • BCAAs – This branched amino acid helps in recovery during workouts. It also enhances your performance and helps in weight loss too.
  • Multi-Vitamins – All need one supplement that can cater to their vitamins need. Eating different vitamin source can be a tough task, so this particular supplement does it all.

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Final Words

Being John Cena is not easy, but one can try to follow his clean diet rules. It not only would help getting nutrition in your meal plan but it would also make you confident enough about your eating habits.

We all love this superstar and want a ripped physique like him. So try to eat clean and nutritious. Stay away from junk food, because according to John ‘junk makes you weak’, and we don’t want to be weak.

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