Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet Plan & Supplements

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a.k.a Terminator, has been ruling the fitness world for decades. His persona has left a lasting impression on everyone. The eagerness to know his regime and diet plan has still not been washed off from the minds of inquisitive fitness enthusiasts. Such an inspiring star he has been to all!

Arnold has always been aware of the type of food he should be eating. He has been following a protein-rich diet chart to maintain his invincible frame.

If you are looking to achieve a similar physique, then this meal plan is just the right way to kick start your fitness goals!

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Diet Plan

Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet

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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s diet plan includes huge amounts of protein, which is of utmost importance to gain a muscular body.

  • He goes by the rule that the amount you weigh is the amount of protein that is required for your body. Weighing 250 pounds meant that his diet included 250 grams of protein.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding diet consists of 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day. He adds protein shakes in between meals as well to keep up with the protein consumption for the day. His meal also contains whole grains, vegetables, micronutrients, and fats. Although he follows a strict diet throughout the week, he does indulge in a cheat meal to satisfy his cravings. His favorites are cheeseburgers with fries or pizza.

Arnold used to eat simple, yet healthy meals in his younger days, but it changed over the years.

Here is an example of the bodybuilding diet plan he followed when he was just about starting off bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Meal Plan


1 bowl cereal, 2 slices toast, 2 tsp butter, 1 cup (8 oz) orange juice, 2 strips bacon, Black Coffee


6-inch sub on white bread, with 4 oz sliced turkey, 2 oz cheese, 2 tbsp mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato, 1 small bag potato chips, Water

Pre-workout Snack

1 high-carb sports bar, Water


1 small grilled chicken breast (no skin), 2 cups rice, 1 small dinner salad, Water


1 cup ice cream

This bodybuilding diet plan was missing out on important vitamins and minerals. It also did not contain as much protein as would be required to achieve a massive look.

Certain changes were incorporated in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s meal plan in the form of huge portions of protein and an increase in overall calorie intake. This played a major role in helping him attain that physique which we witnessed on screen. So, let’s take a look at his revised bodybuilding diet plan.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Meal Plan


3 scrambled eggs, 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup low-fat milk


Handful mixed nuts, 1 apple or banana


2 slices whole-wheat bread, 1 cooked chicken breast, 1 apple, 1 cup low-fat milk

Pre-workout Snack

3 slices cheese, 1 banana, Water

Post-workout drink

25g milk protein, 25g egg protein, 8–12 oz low-fat milk


8 oz lean-cut grilled beef, 1 large baked potato, 1 large salad with mixed greens and vegetables, 1 tbsp salad dressing, 1 cup mixed cooked vegetables, Water


1 cup low-fat milk

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What to Eat

Arnold believes in certain tips and tricks and does not shy away from revealing them to the world. He believes one should learn about various aspects of nutrition before indulging into any kind of diet. Also, he advises that one should calculate the amount of protein that needs to be consumed in a day.

The quality of your food should be paid attention to and should not be just empty calories. And of course, consistency and managing food proportions in every meal is mandatory.

Enlisted below are some foods that make it to Arnold’s diet plan every week.

  • Whole Eggs
  • Bacon or Sausage
  • Ezekiel Bread
  • Avocado
  • Oats
  • Grilled Fish
  • Red Meat
  • Grilled Lean Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts: Almonds, cashews, and walnuts.
  • Sweet Potato
  • Brown Rice
  • Full Fat Cottage Cheese

What to Avoid

Following a clean diet is the key to building up your body as ripped as Arnold’s. So, one must cut down or totally avoid certain foods that would not be beneficial to the body. It goes without saying that Arnold Schwarzenegger was very particular about what not to eat.

Here is the list of foods that Arnold totally avoided:

  • Fat Foods
  • Sugary Foods
  • Dessert
  • Overeating

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Supplements

Arnold consumed about 3800 calories per day, yet he was advised to consume additional supplements to fill up on missing nutrients. This helped him keep his energy levels pumped up to maintain the stature that he acquired over time.

Here are some of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s supplements which were consumed on a daily basis:

  • Multivitamin: This supplement is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, so he made sure he took it soon after waking up to kick start his day.
  • Pre workout: Arnold used Pre-workout supplement. It induced great amounts of energy, thus, helping him lift those heavyweights.
  • Post workout: The post-workout supplement which contains creatine, gave him a boost in his weight-lifting capacity. It also added bulk to his muscles and helped in post-workout recovery.
  • Whey protein: He incorporated whey protein supplement twice in a day, 2 scoops per serving. It helped Schwarzenegger in building muscle while keeping him satiated throughout his workout training.
  • BCAA: This supplement aids Arnold in getting a good muscle growth while also helping him in muscle recovery.

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So here was an insight into the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger’s diet plan. It is commendable that even at this age he has managed to maintain his physique so well. He attributes it mainly to his strict ‘high-protein’ diet, which he has followed over the years.

In Arnold’s own words, “No pain, no gain”! Nothing comes easy, but with discipline and consistent hard work, you can definitely emulate the proportions of the Terminator!

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