Does Planet Fitness Require ID?

Planet Fitness is famous for their judgment-free workout environment. This gives amateur gym goers an opportunity to exercise without feeling intimidated. As a result, Planet Fitness has a massive 15 million plus membership base across the United States.

So, if you too are someone with no prior workout experience, and don’t want to be intimidated seeing those advanced gym dudes, you should consider joining Planet Fitness.

Speaking of getting a Planet Fitness membership, the process to do it is quick and simple. And you will have to submit a few documents.

So what are the documents one needs to submit to grab a Planet Fitness membership? Do they require an ID? You may also have some other questions if you plan on becoming a Planet Fitness member.

Through this article, you will find the answer to all these questions. Let’s dive in! 

Does Planet Fitness Require ID
Image: Ehrlif/
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Does Planet Fitness Require an ID?

Yes, you need to submit an ID while taking a Planet Fitness membership. The ID can be any, as long as it has your photo on it, preferably your driver’s license. 

Not only in Planet Fitness but at almost any gym in America, you will have to submit an ID while starting your membership. This helps the gym confirm your authenticity. 

And this is a completely normal process, you do not have to worry about your privacy.

In addition to an ID, you will have to submit a few other documents while setting up your membership. 

What Do I Need to Join Planet Fitness

You need to submit a few documents when taking a Planet Fitness membership.

Given below are the most important docs you need:

An application form/membership registration form. An ID card, Drivers license for example. Bank account statement. Credit card details for billing.

In the application form, you will need to fill in some details so as to join Planet Fitness. So, the first thing to do is to fill out and submit the registration form. 

Registration can also be done online. To do so, simply visit their website. 

The bank account details, or the statement will let them know your financial position. But considering the cheap $10 memberships, this is just a formality. 

The credit card details, as you know, they need for billing purposes. Your dues will be automatically charged through the credit card. But if you wish not to use your credit card, you can always talk with the club management.

In addition to submitting these documents, you will have to pay an initiation fee and a processing fee. The initiation fee is just a nominal $1, and the processing fee will be somewhere close to $40. 

However, you will not have to pay these amounts upfront. They will include the amount in your first month’s bill. 

Does Planet Fitness Ask Guests for Their ID?

Yes, Planet Fitness will ask guests for their ID. When you invite and bring a guest to Planet Fitness, they will have to bring a photo ID card along so as to register. And then, the club will give guests a temporary key tag number. 

The preferred ID is, as always, a driver’s license card.

Don’t miss:

How Many Guests Can You Bring to Planet Fitness
Can I Use Someone Else’s Planet Fitness Card
How to Cancel Planet Fitness Membership
Planet Fitness Free Trial (Free Day Pass & Guest Pass)
Planet Fitness Membership Cost


Registering at Planet Fitness, or starting a membership there is a quick, simple task. You need to submit a few documents along with your registration form.

Either online or offline, you can complete the process in a breeze, and start working out.

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