Seth Feroce’s Workout Routine

Seth Feroce has been an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and has earned numerous accolades and honors for his impeccable physique. He knows a lot about building a body that can attract numerous eyeballs.

He often uploads videos on his YouTube channel that speak volumes about his training experience as well as the exercise routines which he follows to build and maintain his muscular and three-dimensional physique.

It would be extremely hard for someone to not get mesmerized with Seth Feroce’s physique and we are sure that you are not one of them.

So, in this post, we will let you know everything about Seth Feroce’s workout plan that has contributed significantly to making his physique a masterpiece in itself. Let’s get started.

Seth Feroce’s Workout Principles

Seth Feroce Workout
Seth Feroce in an Instagram Photo (Seth Feroce | Instagram)
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Seth Feroce is a bodybuilding fanatic and he loves to train. His workout program primarily comprises weight training and cardio. The former aids him to build and maintain his muscle mass whereas the latter keeps his physique lean and aesthetic.

To get the most out of his grueling workout sessions, Seth makes it a point to have at least one full day of rest in his weekly workout schedule. This gives his body sufficient time to facilitate the recovery of his muscles and keeps his body in an anabolic state.

Seth has been into bodybuilding for over two decades and has plenty of intensity techniques up his sleeves that facilitate muscle growth. He has tried out high-volume training, FST-7, Y3T, Doggcrapp, and HIIT and still uses them to make his workout program more challenging.

Seth Feroce’s Workout Schedule

Seth Feroce’s Workout
Seth Feroce in an Instagram Photo (Seth Feroce | Instagram)

Seth Feroce workouts for 5-days a week. He follows the conventional bro-split and trains each of his muscle groups only once a week.

He claims that this training approach fetches him the maximum gains as it gives his muscles enough time to recover and grow.

Given below is Seth’s workout split

  • Day 1- Chest
  • Day 2- Back
  • Day 3- Arms
  • Day 4- Rest
  • Day 5- Legs
  • Day 6- Shoulders
  • Day 7- Rest

Seth used to follow the above-mentioned workout split to prepare for bodybuilding competitions.

Seth Feroce’s Workout Routine

Seth Feroce Workout Routine
Seth Feroce in an Instagram Photo (Seth Feroce | Instagram)

Seth Feroce’s workout routine is characterized by intense high-volume training sessions. He trains each of his muscle groups with great intensity and performs numerous sets and reps for them.

Seth keeps on changing his workout program from time to time to ensure that his body doesn’t get used to a certain training protocol. Seth’s favorite training programs are Hany Rambod’s FST-7 and Neil Hill’s Y3T. He claims that the former allows him to bring up his lagging muscle groups whereas the latter enables him to train his muscles to the limit. Both of these training programs subject his muscles to the ‘shock’ which promotes more growth.

Seth is also a big fan of incorporating intensity techniques like drop sets, supersets, tri-sets, and giant sets into his workout plan. He claims that such intensity techniques not only give your muscles a great pump but also train them to their full capacity.

At times, Seth prefers to train muscle groups like legs, back, and chest, with the pre-exhaust training principle.  For that purpose, he starts his training by performing a few sets of isolation movements with light-moderate weights for a certain muscle group and then goes to perform the heavy compound movements for that same muscle group.

The following table will give you a descriptive overview of Seth Feroce’s workout routine. It enlists two workouts namely ‘workout 1′ and ‘workout 2’. Choose one out of the two as per your preference.

Seth Feroce’s Workout Plan


Sets x Reps


Workout 1

30 Degrees Incline Dumbbell Press

4 x (8-12)

30 Degree Incline Dumbbell Fly

4 x (8-12)

Lying Dumbbell Pullover

4 x (10-15)

Machine Pec Dec

4 x (10-15)

Cable Crossovers

4 x (10-15)

Workout 2

Machine Fly

4 x (10-15)

30 Degree Incline Smith Machine Press

4 x (8-12)

Lying Dumbbell Pullovers

4 x (10-15)

30 Degree Incline Dumbbell Fly

4 x (10-15)


Workout 1

T-Bar Rows

4 x (12, 10, 10, 8)

Chest Supported Rows

4 x (12, 10, 10, 8)

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows


Pulldowns (wide and pronated grip)

3 x 12

Reverse Grip Cable Rows

3 x 10


4 x 12

Workout 2

T-Bar Row Machine

4 x (8-15)

Lat Pulldowns (wide/neutral grip)

4 x (8-15)

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

4 x (8-15)

Seated Cable Rows (wide and pronated grip)

4 x (8-15)

Rack Pulls (just below knees)

4 x (8-15)


Workout 1

Standing EZ-Bar Curls (wide and supinated grip) supersetted with

Lying Skull Crushers (behind head)

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls supersetted with

Standing Overhead Dual Dumbbell Extensions

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Seated Alternating Cable Curls supersetted with

Standing Cable Pushdowns

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Standing Reverse Barbell Curls

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Workout 2

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls supersetted with

Standing Cable Pushdowns (Pronated Grip)

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Machine Preacher Curls (Supinated Grip) supersetted with

Machine Skull Crushers

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Bench Press (narrow grip) supersetted with

30-Degree Alternating Dumbbell Spider Curls

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

Standing Barbell Curls supersetted with

Rope Cable Pushdowns

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest

4 x (8-15), 30 seconds rest


Workout 1

45-Degree Leg Press

8 x 15

Back Squats

8 x (8-10)

Walking Alternating Dumbbell Lunges

4 x 15

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

8 x (8-12)

Workout 2

Machine Squats

4 x (8-20)

45-Degree Leg Press

4 x (8-20)

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

4 x (8-20)

Giant Set


One-Leg 45-Degree Leg Press

Machine Leg Extensions

Machine Seated Leg Curls

Machine Glute Kickbacks



4 x (8-20), no rest

4 x (8-20), no rest

4 x (8-20), no rest

4 x (8-20), no rest


Workouts 1

Circuit #1


Bent-Over Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises

Standing Dumbbell Laterals

Standing Front Dumbbell Raises



3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Circuit #2


Machine Overhead Press

Machine Lateral Raise



3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Circuit #3


Cable Lateral Raises

Cable Front Raises



3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Workout 2

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Dumbell Front Raises

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Circuit #1


Machine Overhead Press

Machine Lateral Raises



3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

Circuit #2


Cable Rope Bent-Over Pulldown

Plate Front Raises

Plate Lateral Raises

Plate Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise



3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), no rest

3 x (8-20), 1-minute rest

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Warm-up and cool down

To prepare his body to take the hammering of his intense high-volume training sessions, Seth ensures to go through a well-structured warm-up routine. He also performs some stretching movements at the end of his workouts that serve as a cool down for his body.

He claims that performing warm-up and cool-down exercises eliminates the possible chances of any training-related injury.

Seth Sets

Seth incorporates a unique intensity technique into his training program and he has named it “Seth Sets”.

Performing Seth Sets involve performing a certain number of reps with a particular weight. Then in the next set, one is required to lift half the amount of weight and perform double the amount of repetitions. This training technique allows him to push his muscles past failure and stimulate them adequately.

High-volume Bodyweight Training

Even after being an experienced bodybuilder, Seth never underestimates the effectiveness of high-volume bodyweight training.

He likes performing push-ups and pull-ups for over 50-100 reps in his exercise routine to target his chest and back respectively. This training approach also aids him in maximizing his endurance levels.

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Final Thoughts

We are sure that by now you must be very excited to try out Seth Feroce’s training routine. But before you do that we would advise you to consider your fitness goals and training experience beforehand.

If you are an absolute newbie, his workout plan will wear you out in no time. Hence, in such cases, training under a coach and making certain modifications to Seth’s workout routine becomes imperative. Nevertheless, you are going to derive quality muscle gains by trying out his workout plan. Go and give it a shot.

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