Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine [with Spreadsheet]

The reddit bodyweight workout routine has been created by the /r/bodyweightfitness community. The core of this routine is dependent on bodyweight exercises. But don’t consider this a easy program. The reddit bodyweight workout routine enables you to gain strength and muscle size along with meeting up with your fat loss goals. Bodyweight training certainly serves as the base for any kind of lifting. If you are comfortable lifting your own bodyweight, it certainly means you have a decent level of physical capability.

The reddit bodyweight workout plan certainly won’t be requiring you to perform endless sets and reps of push-ups or pull-ups but rather it will present you a systematic approach to fulfill your fitness-oriented objectives. Let’s proceed to have a look at this reddit recommended bodyweight fitness routine.

Reddit Bodyweight Fitness Recommended Routine

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Workout Schedule

  • You would be required to perform this workout thrice a week. You will have at least one rest day between two workouts.
  • You can choose to go with Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. You can also fit Sunday in the former option.
  • This workout is designed to provide you with a full body workout. Don’t split the workout to perform this on different days. It won’t work.

This workout plan is capable enough to meet your fitness goals. In general, the Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine develops your overall strength. It also promotes strength and size gain provided that you are consuming enough calories to gain mass. Even if your goal is fat loss, this workout routine can serve you well. Just keep a check on your diet and you are on the right track.


To perform this workout routine effectively, you need to have access to the following:

  • A place to perform your rows. Low bars, gymnastic rings, sturdy table are good options. In this program, you cannot substitute the rows as they form the crux of the entire routine.
  • A place to do pull-ups. A typical pull-up bar, monkey bars, or even rings are a great option.
  • Parallel bars that will let you perform your dips and Handstand Push-Ups progressions. If you don’t have access to them you can use two sturdy chairs or even a kitchen counter.

Reddit Bodyweight Fitness Recommended Routine

The complete structure of this workout routine looks like this:-

  1. Warm up
  • Dynamic stretches
  • Joint prep
  • Movement practice
  1. Strength work
  • 6 exercises targeting different major muscle groups of your upper and lower body.
  • 3 exercises that will be performed in a triplet to enhance your core strength.

You have to follow the below-mentioned exercising protocol. Your Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine will look like this.

Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine

Warm-Up- Dynamic Stretches (5-10 Min)




Yuri’s shoulder band warm-up


You can also use your t-shirt to perform these.

Squat Sky Reaches


They can also be performed in an assisted manner.

GMB wrist prep


Perform as many reps as you want.


30 seconds

Once you reach negative pull-ups you can add deadbugs.

Arch hangs


Support hold

30 seconds

Once you reach negative dips, you can perform support holds.

Easier squat progression


You can add these after performing Bulgarian Split Squats.

Easier hinge progression


You can perform these after reaching Banded Nordic curls.

Strength Work (40-60 Minutes)


First Pair


Sets x Reps


Pull-up progression

3 x 5-8

You need to perfect your basic squat form so that in the coming time you can progress with barbell squats.

Squat progression

3 x 5-8

Second Pair

Dip progression

3 x 5-8

Focus on perfecting hinge progression, so that you can perform them weighted using a bar.

Hinge progression

3 x 5-8

Third Pair

Row progression

3 x 5-8

Perform them with a full range of motion.

Push-up progression

3 x 5-8

Core Triplet

Anti-extension progression

3 x 8-12


Anti-rotation progression

3 x 8-12

Extension progression

3 x 8-12


  • Instructions

The nine exercises mentioned above are to be performed in pairs or triplets so that your workout will wrap up in a shorter span of time. While pairing two exercises you would be doing a set of the first exercise then take rest for 90 seconds, then do a set of the second exercise, again rest for 90 seconds. You have to repeat this until all the 3 sets are completed. If you are choosing to go with a triplet, you would perform single sets of three exercises taking 60 seconds of rest in between, and will continue like this till all the 3 sets are completed.

  • Rest time

It is recommended that you rest for at least 90 seconds between your sets. You can even rest for 3 minutes if 90 seconds is insufficient for you.

  • Tempo

You will be performing these exercises with a “10×0” or (1,0, X,0) tempo. These numbers represent the time taken on the way down/pause at the bottom/on the way up and pause at the top while performing your reps. Following the Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine, you will take a duration of 1 second on your way down with no pause at the bottom. Then you will explode (X) your way up and continue completing your reps without taking any pause at the top.

  • Progression

Since this program basically relies on your own body weight making it more difficult for ensuring effective progressive resistance is a bit tricky. In that case, you would be fine-tuning the bodyweight movements to suit your strength levels. For instance, if you are weak at performing regular push-ups, you can choose to go with incline pushups. Similarly, if you find regular push-ups too easy, then you should try your hands at ring pushups, diamond push-ups, pseudo-planche push-ups, decline push-ups, etc. This will ensure that progressive resistance is provided throughout the workout routine.

  • Choose one suitable progression exercise depending on your current strength levels. Then in your first session, perform 3 sets of 5 reps of that exercise. From the next session onwards, keep on increasing 1 rep per set until you get strong enough to perform 3 sets of 8 reps with strict form. Afterward, proceed to the next progression following the same protocol of performing 3 sets of 5 reps.
  • Exercises that include static holds like the tuck front lever have sets that consist of holding the position firmly for 10-30 seconds. Now once you are able to hold that position for 30 seconds for all 3 sets you can proceed to the next progression which will be more difficult.
  • If you are unable to follow the main progression due to the unavailability of certain equipment or if you are skeptical about the main progression, you can go with the alternatives to do it.
  • The rest time mentioned in this program promotes 99% replenishment of ATP in the muscles that limit fatigue in the muscles. This further helps in maximizing both volume and effort level that serve as the foundation stone for your strength and hypertrophy oriented goals.

Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine Spreadsheet

The Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine Spreadsheet provided below will provide you with detailed and descriptive information about the program. Apart from the normal sets and reps scheme that you would be required to perform following this training protocol, this excel sheet also guides you about the movements you are required to perform.

In general, this Google sheet is broadly divided into three subheadings namely dynamic stretches, strength work, and core work. The dynamic stretches will aid in stretching up your muscles so that the chances of injury is minimized.

The strength work under this training protocol includes progressions that are performed in 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions in each set. This aids in building your strength on bodyweight movements like push-ups, chin-ups, dips, hinge, row, and squat. These bodyweight movements are performed in various ways that make them more challenging. This spreadsheet will guide you thoroughly about what variations you need to include in performing those bodyweight exercises.

The credit for the creation of this spreadsheet goes to u/BaronMyrtle


Reddit Bodyweight Workout Routine PDF


The core work of this program includes three movements namely anti-extension progressions (plank and ring ab rollouts), anti-rotation progression (banded pallof press), and extension progression (reverse hyperextension). The spreadsheet template will give you a comprehensive guideline and will avoid any kind of perplexity in your training routine.


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