Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator (lb/kg)

Losing weight is easier now because there are many fasting methods to choose from, among which water fasting stands out as one of the best.

Water fasting, an age-old practice, is increasingly acknowledged for its potential health benefits beyond weight loss alone.[1] Proponents suggest that water fasting may promote cellular rejuvenation, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance mental clarity.

However, it’s essential to approach water fasting with caution and awareness, seeking guidance and support to ensure a safe and effective journey. Here, we are committed to assisting you in achieving your fasting goals with informed guidance and personalized tools.[2]

Our water fasting calculator will help you find your weight loss progress during your water fasting journey.

How Much Weight Will I Lose On Water Fast?

Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator

Water Fast Weight Loss Calculation

Do you know your current daily maintenance calories?

Water Fast Weight Loss






Understanding that weight loss is a highly individualized journey, it’s crucial to recognize that our bodies respond differently to various diets and fasting protocols. Factors such as metabolic rate, body composition, and genetic predispositions play significant roles in how we lose fat and shed pounds.

Despite these variations, water fasting offers a standardized approach to initiate the fat-burning process, allowing individuals to tap into their body’s natural mechanisms for energy production and weight reduction.

While genetic factors may influence our ability to gain or lose weight, the fundamental principle of calorie deficit remains paramount in achieving fat loss. Water fasting, by eliminating caloric intake, creates a significant calorie deficit, prompting the body to utilize stored fat for energy. This process, known as lipolysis, facilitates fat breakdown and contributes to overall weight reduction, regardless of genetic predispositions or metabolic differences.

Moreover, water fasting is believed to induce a state of ketosis, wherein the body switches from utilizing glucose to burning fat for fuel. This metabolic shift not only accelerates fat loss but also offers additional benefits such as improved cognitive function and increased energy levels.

By harnessing the power of ketosis, individuals can maximize their fat-burning potential during a water-fasting regimen, regardless of genetic variations.

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What is the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator?

Our water-fasting calculator is a handy tool designed to estimate how much weight a person might lose during a water-only fast. It takes into account factors such as the individual’s current weight, height, age, activity level, gender, and the duration of the fast.

By inputting these details, the calculator provides an approximation of the expected weight loss, helping individuals set realistic goals and track their progress throughout the fasting period. It’s a user-friendly resource that offers personalized insights into the potential outcomes of a water fast, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their fasting regimen.

How to Use the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator?

Using our Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator is simple and effective. If you already know your maintenance calorie level, simply input this value into the designated field, and the calculator will estimate your weight loss during your water fast.

However, if you’re unsure of your maintenance calorie level, worry not! By providing additional information such as your age, height, weight, activity level, and sex, the calculator can calculate your maintenance calorie level for you.

Once these details are entered, you’ll receive an estimate of your weight loss based on the duration of your water fast. If you’re curious about your maintenance calorie level, be sure to check out our Calorie Calculator for a quick and accurate assessment.

How much Weight will I Lose on a 3 Day Water Fast?

On average, individuals may expect to lose around 1-2 pounds per day during a water fast. Therefore, during a 3-day water fast, you might lose approximately 3-6 pounds.

However, it’s important to remember that individual results can vary based on factors like starting weight, metabolism, and body composition. It’s always advisable to approach fasting with caution and under proper guidance to ensure safety and maximize effectiveness.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Week by Water Fasting?

Research findings indicated that engaging in water fasting led to notable weight loss over a short period.

Those who participated in a five-day fasting regimen observed a weight decrease of around 4% to 6%, whereas individuals who fasted for seven to 10 days witnessed a weight loss of approximately 2% to 10%. Similarly, participants who extended their fasting period to 15 to 20 days experienced a weight reduction ranging from 7% to 10%.[3]

Alongside, the amount of weight you can lose in a week by water fasting depends on various factors, including your starting weight, metabolism, and body composition. On average, a week-long water fast can make you lose approximately 7-14 pounds. We don’t recommend water fasting for more than 72 hours as it poses significant health risks.

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Will I Gain All the Weight Back After Water Fast?

In a study, participants who completed a five-day water fast regained all the weight they had lost within three months. In two other studies, some of the lost weight returned, but it was noted that participants were advised to control their calorie intake after the fast.

After completing a water fast, it is common for individuals to experience weight regain, which can be attributed to the replenishment of glycogen stores and the rehydration of body tissues.

During the fast, the depletion of glycogen reserves leads to a decrease in stored carbohydrates and the associated water content in the body. As a result, there is a temporary decline in overall body weight.

However, once normal eating patterns are resumed, glycogen stores are replenished, and water molecules are reabsorbed, leading to weight restoration. It is important to note that this weight regain primarily consists of glycogen and water weight, rather than fat accumulation.

The extent of weight regain can vary among individuals and is influenced by factors such as dietary choices, physical activity levels, and metabolic rate. If individuals adopt healthier eating habits afterward, they may be able to sustain some of the weight loss achieved during fasting.

To maintain long-term weight stability and overall health, it is crucial to adopt sustainable lifestyle practices after the fast.

How to Maximize Water Fasting Weight Loss

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to suppress hunger and boost metabolism.
  • Stick to the fast: Strictly adhere to the water fasting regimen without consuming any calories.
  • Move your body: Engage in light exercises like walking to enhance fat burning.
  • Rest and relax: Prioritize sleep and manage stress levels to support weight loss.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to hunger cues and avoid overeating during refeeding.
  • Break the fast gently: Ease back into eating with light, nutrient-rich foods.

Tips for Using the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator

When using the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator, it’s essential to keep track of your progress over time. As you continue water fasting for an extended period, your body may adapt, leading to a decrease in your maintenance calorie requirements.

Therefore, it’s advisable to periodically revisit the calculator to adjust your estimated weight loss accordingly. By staying updated on your evolving needs, you can ensure that your fasting regimen remains effective and aligned with your weight loss goals.

How Accurate is the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator?

The accuracy of the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator is influenced by several factors, such as the accuracy of the information provided and how an individual’s body uniquely responds to fasting.

The calculator uses inputs like weight, gender, and fasting duration to provide estimates, but it’s important to note that actual weight loss results can differ due to factors like metabolism, body composition, and adherence to the fasting plan. It’s also worth mentioning that the calculator doesn’t consider potential fluctuations in water weight or changes in metabolic efficiency over time.

Therefore, while the calculator is a helpful tool for setting expectations and tracking progress, it’s crucial to interpret its estimates and be aware of potential variations.

Summing Up

Our Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator serves as a valuable tool for individuals embarking on a water-fasting journey. By providing estimates based on key factors like weight, gender, and fasting duration, the calculator offers insights into potential weight loss outcomes and helps users set realistic goals.

However, it’s important to recognize that the calculator’s estimates may vary based on individual factors and that actual results can differ. Therefore, it’s advisable to approach water fasting with caution, by listening to your body’s signals throughout the process.

Ultimately, the calculator serves as a helpful resource for those committed to achieving their fasting goals with informed guidance and support.


  1. Horne, B., Muhlestein, J., Lappé, D., May, H., Carlquist, J., Galenko, O., Brunisholz, K., & Anderson, J. (2013). Randomized cross-over trial of short-term water-only fasting: Metabolic and cardiovascular consequences. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(11), 1050-1057. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2012.09.007
  2. Ogłodek, E. (2021). Is Water-Only Fasting Safe? Global Advances in Health and Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1177/21649561211031178
  3. Mark Ezpeleta, Sofia Cienfuegos, Shuhao Lin, Vasiliki Pavlou, Kelsey Gabel, Krista A Varady, Efficacy and safety of prolonged water fasting: a narrative review of human trials, Nutrition Reviews, 2023;, nuad081, https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuad081
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