2000m Rowing VO2 Max Calculator

Rowing is an awesome full-body workout that hits all the major muscle groups, boosting your strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. The 2000 meter indoor rowing test, often done on a rower, is a fantastic way to see how you stack up.

Try out our calculator to check your performance, set realistic goals, and fine-tune your training. Get ready to reach new milestones in indoor rowing!

2000m Rowing VO2 Max Calculator

2000m Rowing VO2 Max Calculator

Training level

VO2 Max







What is the 2000 Meter Rowing Test?

The 2k rowing test is a fitness assessment that measures your ability to row 2000 meters as quickly as possible. It is commonly used in rowing and fitness communities to evaluate cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and rowing technique.[1]

This test is often conducted on indoor rowing machines and serves as a standard benchmark for comparing performance across different individuals and training levels. The test challenges both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, making it a comprehensive measure of overall fitness.

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How to Perform a 2000-Meter Rowing Test

Equipment Needed

  • Rowing machine (ergometer): Ensure it’s properly calibrated.
  • Comfortable workout attire: Moisture-wicking fabric is preferable.
  • Water bottle: Stay hydrated before, during, and after the test.
  • Heart rate monitor (optional): To track exertion levels.
  • Towel: For sweat management.

Procedure & Norms

  1. Warm-Up:
    • Start with a 10-15 minute warm-up, including light rowing and dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles and elevate your heart rate.
  2. Rowing Machine Setup:
    • Adjust the damper setting on the rowing machine to your preferred level.
    • Indoor rowing machines can vary in their drag factor ranges, meaning a damper setting of 3 on your home machine might feel like a 4 on a gym machine. Variables like air temperature, elevation, and even lint in the flywheel housing can affect the drag factor. To maintain the same feel and performance across different machines, you may need to adjust the damper setting to match your preferred drag factor.
    • It’s important to use a consistent drag factor during your training and testing sessions. Relying solely on the fan setting won’t give you the precision needed to ensure that the ergometer behaves the way you want. By focusing on the drag factor, you can accurately control the machine’s settings for optimal performance.
    • Secure your feet in the foot straps, ensuring they are tight enough to provide support but not so tight that they restrict movement.
  3. Starting the Test:
    • Begin rowing with a consistent stroke rate.
    • Focus on maintaining good form: initiate the stroke with a strong leg drive, engage your core, and finish with a firm pull through your arms.
  4. Pacing:
    • Start at a controlled pace to avoid early fatigue. Starting too fast can cause increased metabolic acidosis, which negatively impacts aerobic energy production during the main endurance phase of the race. This can result in early fatigue and a decline in technique.
    • Maintaining good pacing is crucial.
    • In the final 500 meters, gradually increase your stroke rate and power output to finish strongly.
  5. Monitoring Progress:
    • Keep an eye on the rowing machine’s monitor to track your distance, time, and stroke rate.
    • Aim to maintain a steady split time (the time it takes to row 500 meters) throughout the test.
  6. Recording Results:
    • Note down your final time and any other relevant metrics (such as average split time and stroke rate) to track your progress over time.
  7. Cool Down:
    • After completing the 2000 meters, row at a slower pace for a few minutes to help your body cool down and recover.
    • Follow the cool down with static stretches, focusing on the muscles used during the row.

Key Points:

  • Focus on one stroke at a time.
  • Maintain efficiency and technique.
  • Adjust the warm-up to suit your needs, ensuring you start efficiently and not fatigued.
  • Embrace the test as an opportunity to showcase your training and effort.

By following these steps, you can effectively perform a 2000-meter rowing test, which serves as a benchmark for improving your rowing performance and overall fitness.

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Average 2000m Row Time

A good 2000m row time is generally around 07:22.3, which is the average across all ages and genders. The fastest recorded time for this distance is 05:35.8.

What is a Good 2000 Meter Row Time?

A good 2000-meter row time varies by gender and is generally considered to be:

For Men

  • Average Time: A good benchmark is around 07:04.1. This is the average time for men across all age groups.
  • Elite Performance: The fastest recorded 2000 meter time for men is 05:35.8, indicating top-level competitive performance.

For Women

  • Average Time: A good benchmark is around 08:25.3. This is the average time for women across all age groups.
  • Elite Performance: The fastest recorded 2000 meter time for women is 06:21.1, showcasing top-level competitive performance.

These times can vary based on age, fitness level, and rowing experience, but they serve as general targets for assessing performance in the 2000-meter row.

VO2 Max Ranking Chart by Age and Gender

Male VO2 Max Chart by Age

Age Group






< 29

< 24.9




> 53


< 22.9




> 50


< 19.9




> 45


< 17.9




> 43


< 15.9




> 41

Female VO2 Max Chart by Age

Age Group






< 29

< 23.9




> 50


< 19.9




> 45


< 16.9




> 42


< 14.9




> 40


< 12.9




> 37

How to Increase Your 2K Row Time?

To get a better 2K row time, you can use different strategies.

  • Interval Training: Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to boost power and endurance.
  • Strength Training: Focus on exercises that build core, leg, and upper body strength to improve rowing efficiency.
  • Technique Improvement: Regularly refine your rowing technique to maximize power output and minimize energy wastage.
  • Consistent Practice: Follow a structured training plan with regular practice sessions to build stamina and technique.
  • Pace Strategy: Develop and practice a pacing strategy to avoid starting too fast and fading during the test.
  • Cross-Training: Engage in complementary activities such as running or cycling to improve overall cardiovascular fitness.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated to support optimal performance and recovery.
  • Recovery: Allow adequate recovery time between intense sessions to prevent overtraining and injuries.

Advantages of 2000 Meter Rowing Test

The 2000-meter rowing test is a popular endurance test used to evaluate rowing performance and overall cardiovascular fitness. Here are some advantages of this test:

  1. Comprehensive Fitness Assessment: It provides a thorough evaluation of both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, crucial for rowers and athletes in similar endurance sports.
  2. Performance Benchmarking: This test serves as a reliable benchmark for tracking progress, setting performance goals, and adjusting training plans.
  3. Standardized Protocol: Being a widely recognized and standardized test, it allows for consistent comparisons of performance across different athletes and training sessions.
  4. Total Body Workout: Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, arms, and core, making the 2000-meter test a great indicator of overall physical conditioning.
  5. Simulation of Race Conditions: It closely mimics race conditions, helping athletes gauge their performance under conditions similar to actual competitive scenarios.
  6. Motivational Tool: The test can be a strong motivator, challenging athletes to push their limits and improve their times over successive tests.
  7. Versatile: It can be performed on various rowing machines or in actual water, providing flexibility depending on available equipment and conditions.

Factors Affecting VO2 Max

Understanding the factors that influence VO2 max can help you optimize your cardiovascular fitness and overall health.

  • Genetics: Genetic predisposition can influence the upper limits of VO2 max.
  • Age: VO2 max typically declines with age, though regular exercise can mitigate this decline.
  • Gender: Men generally have higher VO2 max values than women, due to differences in muscle mass and cardiovascular efficiency.
  • Training Level: Aerobic and endurance training can significantly improve VO2 max by increasing the heart’s efficiency and the body’s ability to use oxygen.
  • Altitude: Training at high altitudes can enhance VO2 max as the body adapts to lower oxygen levels.
  • Body Composition: Higher levels of body fat can negatively affect VO2 max, while increased muscle mass tends to improve it.
  • Health Status: Chronic diseases and conditions can impair VO2 max. Maintaining overall health is crucial for optimizing cardiovascular fitness.

You’re All Set with Dr Workout — Let’s Row!

The 2000-meter rowing test is a valuable measure of your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and overall fitness. This challenging workout provides a clear assessment of how well you perform under sustained effort.

The rowing machine, with its comprehensive engagement of multiple muscle groups, serves as a convenient and effective tool for evaluating your health and tracking progress. Rowing machine can provide valuable insights into your fitness progress and help you better track your aerobic capacity to ensure you’re meeting your goals.


  1. Secher, N. H. (1983). The physiology of rowing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1(1), 23–53. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640418308729658
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